1.1 This personal data privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") has been established to assure you that the International Floorball Federation (hereinafter referred to as "IFF") processes Personal Data (defined in Section 2.1 below) in accordance with applicable personal data legislation.

1.2 If you have any remaining questions, please feel free to contact IFF. Information regarding the manner in which you may contact the federation can be found in Section 16 below.


2.1 Personal data means every type of information which is directly or indirectly related to a natural, living person (hereinafter referred to as "Personal Data").

2.2 When you register as a user of the IFF App & Media Platform (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") the federation collects your name, e-mail address, age, country and telephone number.

2.3 When you use (hereinafter referred to as the "Website") or an application for mobile units (hereinafter referred to as the "App") certain technical information may also be automatically collected, e.g. the web address from which you visit the website, information regarding network and unit performance, the type of web browser, language and information regarding identification and operating system.

2.4 IFF may use cookies and similar technology in order to collect this information. More information regarding this may be found in Section 8 below.


3.1 IFF will process the Personal Data collected by the federation for the following reasons:

  1. in order for IFF to be able to protect its rights and comply with its obligations in accordance with the Agreement;
  2. to develop and analyse the Service; and
  3. in order for IFF to be able to carry out marketing measures. The term "marketing measures" shall in this context mean communicating by means of, for example, newsletters, special offers and information regarding new functions in the Service provided by IFF.

3.2 The Personal Data processed in accordance with Sections 3.1 (b) and (c) are processed on the basis of IFF's legitimate interest in developing and improving the federation's operations and the Service.

3.3 The Personal Data is processed only for such time as necessary for the purposes for which the data was collected, as long as necessary, in order for IFF to be able to fulfil the federation's obligations pursuant to the agreement with you. These obligations shall cease upon termination of the agreement or in the event you close your membership account. However, IFF may save the Personal Data longer where required by law in order to protect the federation's interests, e.g. in conjunction with ongoing disputes. The Personal Data will be erased or anonymised when it is no longer relevant for the purposes for which it was collected. In this context, IFF wishes to clarify the following. If you post media content by means of the Service which contains Personal Data, you shall be responsible for such information in accordance with the provisions of Section 11. In the event another member has interacted with such media content, it shall constitute part of the other member's account. This means that any Personal Data in the media content will not be removed in the event you terminate the agreement or close your membership account.

3.4 In the event IFF cannot process your Personal Data, the federation cannot provide the Service. Your integrity is very important to IFF, and the federation will process your Personal Data collected and shared with the federation by you with the utmost care and in accordance with the federation's best practice, the Policy and applicable laws and rules.


4.1 IFF will not provide or share your Personal Data you have provided the federation with any third party other than when (i) such has been agreed upon between you and IFF (ii) as required by law, a decision of a governmental authority or a decision of a court of law, or (iii) where IFF retains outside service providers who perform services on behalf of the federation (hereinafter referred to as "Service Providers"). These Service Providers may process Personal Data and sometimes require limited access to Personal Data collected by IFF. IFF shall at all times strive to restrict such access to Personal Data and share only information which is reasonably required in order for the Service Providers to be able to perform their work or perform their services. IFF will also require that the Service Providers (i) protect your Personal Data in accordance with the Policy, and (ii) do not use or disclose your Personal Data for any purpose other than fulfilling their obligations pursuant to the agreement with IFF.

4.2 The Personal Data will not be provided to third parties for marketing purposes without consent.


5.1 Some of the Service Providers used by IFF conduct operations in third countries, i.e. countries outside the EU/EEA and Personal Data may accordingly be transferred to third countries. However, IFF will at no time transfer Personal Data to a third country which does not maintain an adequate level of protection. A list of the Service Providers used from time to time and where they process Personal Data is available in the help centre on the Website.


6.1 You have the right, free-of-charge, to request information from IFF regarding the use of the Personal Data concerning you. On your request or on its own initiative, IFF will correct or erase personal data which is incorrect or restrict the processing of such personal data. Furthermore, you have the right to request that your Personal Data not be processed for direct marketing purposes. You are also entitled to receive your Personal Data in machine-readable format or, where technically possible, to obtain the information transferred to a third party designated by you. If you are dissatisfied with IFF's processing, you may lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority which, in Switzerland, is the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner ( You may also contact the supervisory authority in the country in which you reside or work.


7.1 Links to other websites provided by other companies may appear on the Website or in the App. The Policy does not apply in respect of these websites. Accordingly, you should read the personal data policy of such website (or comparable) before you release Personal Data.


8.1 IFF may collect information by means of technology such as cookies, beacons and local storage, e.g. on your web browser or unit. "Cookies" means in this Policy all technology, including data and text which the federation stores on your web browser or unit.

8.2 A cookie is a small text file which is stored on your computer, telephone or other unit when you visit a website. Cookies may, for example, assist IFF in recognising you the next time you visit the federation's Website or use the App, but also make it possible for the federation to offer a secure and more operationally sound Website/App.

8.3 IFF may use functional Cookies in order to handle certain functions in the Service so that your choices and settings will be remembered when you use the Service again. In order to maintain and improve the Service, IFF may use Cookies for analysis in order to measure the manner in which the Service is used and functions when it is used.

8.4 Most web browsers allow you to choose the manner in which Cookies are handled. You may set your web browser to refuse Cookies or to remove certain Cookies.

8.5 If you choose to block Cookies, parts of the Service's functionality may deteriorate or disappear.


9.1 IFF takes all reasonable technical and organisational security measures necessary in order to protect the Personal Data against unauthorised access, alteration or destruction. However, there is always a risk involved in providing Personal Data via digital channels since it is not possible to completely protect technical systems from encroachment.


10.1 In conjunction with a security incident concerning the Personal Data, e.g. hacking or an unintentional loss of personal data, IFF must document the incident and notify the same to the Swiss Data Protection Authority within 72 hours. IFF may also require information from you, e.g. if there is a risk of ID theft or fraud.


11.1 You are the data controller for all Personal Data you post via the Service. As data controller, you are responsible for ensuring that processing of Personal Data takes place in accordance with legislation applicable from time to time. IFF undertakes to process such Personal Data on your behalf in accordance with the personal data processing agreement.


12.1 In the event IFF needs to amend the Policy, the federation will give notice of such amendment through the Service and provide information regarding the content of the new policy.


13.1 In the event a competent court finds any provision of the Policy unlawful, invalid or otherwise without effect, such shall result only in a reasonable adjustment of the provision in question. Such provision may be deemed separate from the other provisions of the Policy and thus in no manner or in any respect affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.


14.1 Swiss law shall govern the Policy (without reference to its conflict of law principles).

14.2 Disputes regarding the Policy shall be resolved by courts of general jurisdiction in Switzerland.


15.1 For more information regarding applicable legislation, IFF's responsibility for the processing of personal data, and your rights, please visit

15.2 Questions concerning the processing of personal data, etc., may also be sent directly to the Switzerland Data Protection Authority at or on telephone no. +41 (0)58 462 43 95.


16.1 If you have any questions regarding the Policy or any other question regarding IFF's processing, you may contact the federation at:

International Floorball Federation
Alakiventie 2
FI-00920 Helsinki